Use the phone and take pictrues. We will pick the best pictures and videos in our discord and they will be uploaded here!
Why should I join Trapcity?
We have created Trapcity with the aim of providing everyone with a city for everyone. We designed each location thinking about any possible situation.
- We have +600 Resources (make sure yor are PC ready 😉)
- There's Locations where you can get interactions with no violency.
- There's grind for everybody, legal or illegal.
- It is Female friendly (We have a girls club in the city where you can make money inside with no males allowed)
- You do not need to worry about police spectating you as no police is allowed to have spectate/noclip/IDs permission.
- We have a different currency for police.
- Everything in this city works!
(We probably have the most developed drugs system around, edited by street wise Adults, not edited by a 12 year old like what most of you are used to) In Trapcity you are able to make newbies do what you don't want to do, if you have enough XP ofcourse. We have a big variety of different drugs. Each one is made completely different from each other. After you fully craft your drugs there may be other ways of making money using it! ¬¬ come check it out!
Wild drugs - Find drugs growing wildly around certain locations (Find them throgh RP or just simply explore the city)
We have a gang system integrated which it lets you fight over turf. We use pocket gang flags, gang indicators above their heads, (Gang chains are your gang IDs and are bigger than what the civilians can wear. Fight gang rivals and collect their chains to improve your gang reputation socially) We have also added a lot of gang clothing in case you don't have your own and don't want to spend any money on clothing)
These airdrops will drop in a specific island which is a redzone and it is a kill-on-sight location (No roleplay needed). It may drop in the city. It contains hundreds of goodies but it will only provide 3 at the time, this could be guns, drugs, health items, heist items, money, ammo, etc...
Bike Life ready
We are looking for bike enthusiastic people as a Bike life gang would perfectly fit this city's theme. There is a whole range of different bikes to choose from and some cool clothing.
You are able to live anywhere in the city. Explore around, save money and submit a ticket once you are set to purchase your house/apartment in game. You are also able to grow plants inside the house as long as the house has windows... (you need to open a ticket to request for permittion and the staff team will set this up for you)
- Apartments
- Houses
- Mansions
We currently have mechanics in the city but we are looking for more mechanics. If this is the position you want to have, let us know!
We have a HUGE different types of peds suitable for streamers or even Roleplayers with the best character personality!
We aim to make the police use investigations using gadgets such as drones, spike strips, CCTVs, etc... Police is required to fill MDTs as Names should be important to carry out investigations and to show evidence in court. We are recruiting a few active judges and a few lawyers.
Same as above. This is the USA side located in the whole North side of the map (Sandy Shores and Paleto) We are looking for someone that will be responsible for this district. You will be able to request any changes to the Map if needs and you will control the whole distric along with anyone you choose to be responsible with you. US equipment will be provided.