We are offering 5/5 FREE GANGS, open a ticket on discord if you have 5 friends joining the gang with you.
Want to be a cop?
These are actually what you are required to do for the city at the moment. (Please keep a constant eye on this page as the requirements can be changed at any time).
No cop is allowed to have Spectating/Noclip/IDs to prevent pd from unfairly spying on people.
As a new city you are required to give criminals a chance by not attending All calls... Give new criminals in the city a chance to earn their first assets. You are also required to check /cctv constantly and use your bodycam for your security. Do not answer fight calls regularly. Do this once every 20 minutes (If fights are constant in one exact area go over to them and have a chat to them to see what happened or take notes if needed). You are required to fine people for not parking their cars correctly. You are required to fine people if they dont remove their face masks.
#You are required to keep away from gang areas. (Gangs are required to not reveal that they are in a gang). #You are not allowed in any building at post-code 6012, you are allowed to drive-past 6012 if you are in a vehicle chase. #You are NOT allowed to RAM people while chasing them as you are required to have a duty of care for everyone and everything specially your own vehicle which belongs to the pd station.
Please be fair in gunfights, You are required to use a taser If criminals don't own a pistol.. You can only use a pistol if criminals are using a pistol.
Don't attend any scene where you are not going to be able to handle it. (ex. whole group of 10 people against 1 pd).
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