Want to be an admin?

Have you always wanted to be an admin or have you previously been an admin before and you would like to Administrate Trapcity?


  • You are required to have 70 hours playtime. It should not be a problem if you join the city and you are constantly learning about the city so you are able to deal with any issue when it comes your way. (Admins will be removed incase they are unable to respond to tickets and reports) ;

  • You must behave at an admin level and lead by example at all times.

  • You must be able to keep calm in agitated situations;

  • You must be active in the city during the day or night (Inactive admins will get perms removed if inactive for a period of time);



Remember that admins are not allowed to use powers in order to play the city.. 
(Giving yourself cars, cash and items to use is totally out contest and you may be removed as an admin if you fail to follow this). 

PD (police) members will not have spectating/no clip as it would not be fair on real grinding criminals.