
We suggest you to keep your gameplay being recorded at all times, incase you need to open a ticket on discord in relation to any issues you may come across. We will require evidence in relation to any subject. Please have this prepared before opening a ticket.

Please do not use discord directly to send us your footage. Upload the content on YouTube and open a ticket.

(You can use OBSstudio, Streamlab, etc.. To record your gameplay).


A good advice for everyone is to wait for someone to rob you first.


General Section

1 - No spamming in chat, or other means.


2 - Please make sure your ping status is good before you join this server as you may get kicked for affecting other people's gameplay.


3 - You must be 18+


4 - You cannot use "keyboard U" to identificate anyone unless you have a report to make.


5 - You are required to always pay someone If you intend to buy anything from them although you can Roleplay as a scammer as long as the item/vehicle is handed back to its owner after the scene.


6 - Abusing LEO Actions can lead to a permanent BAN.


7 - When you’re addressed by staff, you have to respond and be fully cooperative with staff as we may be in high demand to solve other issues around the city.


8 - Using software that enables you to do things that you wouldn’t have been able to before in-game that typically is related to destructive purposes.


9 - Leaving the server during a combat scene because you don’t want to die/lose/sulking because of someone's behaviour could result in a ban as this could ruin other people's roleplay..


10 - Jail-time will also be used to punish rule-breakers, please make sure to take things serious and not spoil anyone's time. 


11 - Lying about being in a gang can get you banned/character wiped.


12 - You cannot use the code for the gates at PD stations UNLESS you are an Onduty oficial police officer. Police car parks are extremely private.


13 - If someone brakes character or rules, Create a ticket with video proof.


14 - You cannot rob/carry in Greenzones.


15 - Targeting any TRAPCITY streamer to pester him/her for any kind of reason will get you banned with no notice.



    Movement section

    1 - DO NOT use commands to obstruct police, this will lead to punishments or even high fines.


    2 - When priority cooldown is in-progress, you may not shoot at all. You may not run from cops. You may not engage in any activity that could/will/might warrant cop’s attention.


    3 - Killing during peacetime is purely intentional and can’t be excused as you’d have to engage in VDM or some other rule-breakage to do so


    4 - Using /throw is only allowed when the other player (the victim) is dead. Doing this  while the victim is still alive may get you kicked/banned.



      Combat section

      1 - No RDM


      2 - You cannot try to harm or verbally try to move any player if the victim is in a green zone. (casino, pillbox, car dealerships…)


      3 - You cannot remember the situation if you get involved in a fight and then suddenly you get revived. You will be not be able to engage in the same fight for 15 minutes.


      4 - If you start one fight, you can only start another fight after 15 minutes.


      5 - EMS are not allowed to assist anyone in the RED ZONE.


      6 - No On duty police is allowed to be in cayo.


      7 - If you kill anyone in Cayo-Perico and have no intentions to revive them, you are required to immediately drawn them so they can respawn again in the city.


      8 - You are a gang member and you have involved yourself into a shooting towards a police officer, you have been shot and arrested, all weapons will be detained and you will not be able to get your gun back.


      9 - Jailing people should be a quick scene. When you are detained, please dont try to get away inside pd station as PD building is secure and doors are constantly locked and they work with codes. It WILL be considered as failed RP to obstruct pd at this time as there is no way for you to escape pd as you are locked inside with high security doors.


      10 - Carrying a weapons license will only cover any type of blades or handguns. This will NOT cover Class2's. (Rifles and SMG's)




      Driving Section

      1 - You cannot run people over with cars or bikes. Except if you're in a situation where you can't avoid. (Extremely narrow spaces/LAG/etc.).

      2 - You can only shoot FIRST while driving if you are in a Official Trapcity gang vehicle. You must be a gang member.

      3 - You can only go offroad with offroad cars.


      4 - Gta driving is acceptable in this city. (You may be cautious as your wheels may come out as soon as you land.

      5 - You are not allowed to be driving a car with 1 or more missing wheels as its not classed as realistic. If you crashed and your wheel jumped off, park the car and call a tow driver or rent a car trailer. 


      6 - It is mandatory to decamp if you flip your vehicle while being in a car chase. You dont have to decamp if you take a clean jump and land on your wheels.


      7 - You cannot drive a car that has a missing wheel or more wheels missing.




        Robberies Section

        1 - You are allowed to take peoples things (ONLY if you are in a gang) but you have to tell them to put their hands up (loud and clear). Please note that if the victim has their weapon away while facing this situation, they are NOT allowed to pull out their weapon while being held at gunpoint unless the attacker makes it obvious to not being pointing at the victim anymore.


        2 - You may only use "hostage" (third-eye on someone/hostage) if you have AT LEAST one friend backing you up.


        3 - You cannot rob PD or own ANY police equipment unless you are in a gang. Be careful! Each gang can only do this once /week!


        5 - You are only allowed to rob someone if you have ziptied/cuffed the victim.


        6 - You cannot steal police cars.

        7 - If you wish to rob someone you must tell them to put their hands up LOUD and clear. (the victim MUST be able to hear what has been demanded and you may ONLY fight back if you have a weapon in your hands. You cannot fight back while held at gun point and if there is no weapons in your hands). Please note, this situation would be different if there were victims together! Once of the victims in this case could try and fight back as there would be enough time to pull a gun out and fight back.


        8 - Not everyone is a criminal in real life. Neither in trapcity. DO NOT ROB/HANDS CIVIALIANS. Make sure the player does criminal activities before you try to rob them. This could get you banned. You are allowed to take civilians as hostage, you are not allowed to rob them and you need to listen to the police demands. Police in this case need to listen to criminals demands, if not, then hostages CAN get killed by crims.


        9 - You are NOT allowed to rob/carry people in GREENZONES.